Thursday, 25 August 2011

Yes another post * i just cant help myself- Vintage

Its me Jasmine once again - you cant get rid of me...yet. I've recently been loving Vintage/Vintage style clothing and I've been looking around for a lot of vintage things but i haven't really found many items. (N) Luckily today my aunt had found me this shirt ! but i decided to turn it into a dress kinda thing, it can be worn with either thick tights or leggings. In these pictures i'm wearing it with a belt as it looks better. Enjoy.

I will eventually add pictures including my face but for now i think its best just to have headless photos...ooooh creeeeepers jeeeeeepers lol 

Jasmine x.o.xo

My Recent Buys

Jasmine :o Here are a few things I've bought recently its not much but here you go...
Vintage Yumi Envelope clutch bag £6.99

Court shoes New Look £19.99

Yumi polka dot blouse £20.00

Yumi Shanna Lace Waistcoat ( on the website its £6.99) but at the shop i paid £9.99 -__-

Stickers from Paperchase around £1.00-1.50

New look Leather Fringed moccasin £15.00

Earrings from Boots and Dorthy Perkins prices shown above.

Hopefully i can add to this collection soon :) 
keep shopping love Jasmine x.o.x.o

Barbados the island of the sun

Jasmine: here are a few pics from my recent trip to Barbados...

Holetown beach

Holetown beach

The beach once again...

Meeeee standin' on a rock *fun times

Grilled prawns...*insert belly grumble here

At the resort

need i say anymore :)

Church in Holetown

Shopping centre in Holetown

yum yum 

Heartbroken ♥ ?

Jasmine: This is just my advice for those who have had to deal with heartbreak :'(. Unfortunately many of us girls and also many boys ( yes i said it) had to deal with the heartbreak. oooooh how it hurts lol. Seriously eating ice cream and watching rom coms and love dvds doesn't really help the situation. Although it does make us feel slightly better it doesn't heal the heart. Dealing with heartbreak is a very long process and takes a lot of your personal time. At the beginning of the relationship you may have felt that he or she was the one for you, and everything was great so you thought -_-. But as time went on different situations had occurred and things just wasn't working out for the both of you...unless he/she was a cheater but that's a whole different story because that would hurt ALOT !. Anyways lets just skip a few months, years whatever down the relationship line and BANG the relationship ends, and all your left with is a broken heart :( . The question is how do we heal this heart ? well the feeling people normally get once they have had their heart broken is a sinking, deep feeling when you feel like you are lost and no one is around to help you. For some people they cry as a way of letting go of their emotions which is fine but only for a very short amount of time !. My advice is to try and analyse the situation in a reasonable way, the less you think about it the less you are likely to become an emotional wreck. A recap of the relationship might be a bit emotional for some but for others it is a way of getting closure and letting go of the past. I know many people may think how do i let go of the past ? and i must admit it will not be easy but it really does help in a situation like this. Try to focus on other important factors in your life which can block out the hurt that you are currently feeling. There will always be constant reminders of the relationship that you once had but try to replace those thoughts with something else and eventually you will not think about the heartbreak as much as you did in the first stages.For those who have had a very long relationship they may feel even more emotional and sensitive to this situation. But fear not as there is help around, Talking to a friend is a great benefit because it allows you to get things off your chest and they can offer you the support and love you need at a time like this. Also spending time with your friends will help to take your mind off things. You may want to keep it to yourself and keep it bottled up because you feel worthless, unattractive, fat the list goes on for girls ( because we are emotional), urmmm but letting it all out is better for you. This is my own opinion on this issue and may not apply to everyone but i feel that heartbreak does take up a lot of time when you could be focusing on better things, i'm not saying it's gunna be an easy path but being miserable and emotional is ruining your childhood, teenage-hood your life !. MOVE ON ! you have a life ahead of you and there is plenty more fish is the sea- current world population : aloooooooot of people lol i wont go into numbers but you get the idea. So cheer up my fellow heartbroken people there is hope for you even for the single people :D. I hope this will be helpful for a good read and remember to love yourself first before loving others x.

Jasmine x.o.x.o

Introduce yourself


Jade&Jasmine is our blog names, our real names are Helen (Jade) and Naomi (Jasmine). The reason we had chosen these names is because we had a random moment and felt like choosing them. We are best friends going back to the year of 2004 (yeaaaaaaah baby) where we met at secondary school. We both shared interests in fashion and beauty, so we decided to create this joint blog. This blog will include the normal beauty stuff that you see on blogs such as reviews, Beauty tutorials and much more....But the difference between this blog and other blogs is that Helen is Chinese and Naomi is of mixed ethnicity (but i'm not east Asian), which makes our blog even more special. This is helpful because we create the similar looks with different face shapes and skin tones. Another thing is that we have different skin types so our reviews would be more fair and we can have more opinions rather than isolating it to one.  

Along with beauty and fashion we have a great interest in food, and having our mixed backgrounds we have a good knowledge of recipes for you guys to try out!! Also we like giving advice and every now and then we will post topics that most teenagers/adults deal with in day to day life.

We hope you enjoy our blog and if you have any questions please feel free and send us an email or how ever you do it lol or post anything, we will be happy to answer!!

lots of love from 

Jade&jasmine :)